Cristóvão de Mendonça (Mourão?, 1475 – Ormus, 1532)〔National Archives, Torre do Tombo, Lisbon, Portugal〕 was a Portuguese noble and explorer who was active in South East Asia in the 16th century. Son of D. Diogo Furtado de Mendonça, Alcaide-mor (lord mayor) of Mourão, captain of crossbowmen, and his wife, Brites Soares de Albergaria. Another daughter of the marrieage, D. Joana, was married to D. Jaime, 4th duke of Bragança. Cristóvão de Mendonça married D. Maria de Vilhena, daughter of Sancho de Tovar, but there was no issue of this marriage.〔GAYO, M. Filgueiras. ''Nobiliário das famílias de Portugal (v. VII)''. Braga, 1989. p. 295.〕 ==Mendonça in João de Barros's Décadas da Ásia== (詳細はPortuguese sources, notably João de Barros.〔João de Barros, ''Decada III da Asia,'' Lisbon, 1563 (1628 edn.), lib.IV, cap.iii, fol.92-93; lib.V, cap.iiii, fol.112-113, 121-123.〕 Barros was one of the first great Portuguese historians, most famous for his work ''Décadas da Ásia'' (Decades of Asia), a history of the Portuguese Empire in India and Asia, published between 1552–1615. Barros mentions that Cristóvão de Mendonça was the son of a Pedro de Mendonça of Mourão, but his date of birth is not given.〔"Christovão de Mendoça filho de Pero de Mendoça alcaide môr de Mourão". João de Barros, ''Decada III da Asia,'' Lisbon, 1563 (1628 edn.), lib.V, cap.iii, fol.92; cited in Trickett, P.(2007) ''Beyond Capricorn. How Portuguese adventurers discovered and mapped Australia and New Zealand 250 years before Captain Cook'' p.79 East St. Publications. Adelaide. ISBN 978-0-9751145-9-9〕 Mendonça later governed Hormuz (Ormus) as Captain-Major from 1527. He died there in 1532.〔Hormuz was ruled by Portugal from 1515 to 1622 under the submission of Goa, then a Portuguese possession, before being incorporated into Persia in 1622.〕 Mendonça is named by Barros as the captain of a ship that left Lisbon in 1519 and, after arriving at Goa, as having been given instructions to search for Pliny's legendary Isles of Gold (Chryse), said to lie to "beyond Sumatra": At the end of June of the year 1520, a ship arrived that had departed the Kingdom that year, the Captain and Pilot being Pedro Eanes, nicknamed the Frenchman, who being a diligent man and one well versed in matters of the sea, King Manuel had entrusted with letters for Diogo Lopez concerning service matters. And among other things that the King ordered Diogo Lopez to do that year, was to send some person in the same ship with Pedro Eanes, to who would be entrusted to go to discover the Isles of Gold beyond Sumatra, of which we have already written above, for many persons who had gone to these parts of India had given him great hope that they could be discovered. Diogo Lopez then gave this to do to Christovão de Mendoça, the son of Pero Mendoça the lord mayor of Mourão; of whose voyage we will make mention below.〔"sendo já no fim de Iunho do anno de quinhentos & vinte, chegou huma nao que deste Reyno partio aquelle anno, capitão & piloto Pedro Eanes, Frances de alcunha: ao qual por ser homem diligente, & que sabia bem as cousas do mar, el Rey dom Manuel mandava com cartas a Diogo Lopez dobre algunas cousas de seu serviço. E entre outras cousas que el Rey mandavo a Diogo Lopez que fezesse aquelle anno (), era que na mesma nao que Pedro Eanes enviasse alguna pessoa, de que elle confiasse este a ida a descobrir as ilhas do ouro, traves da ilha Çamatra, de que já atras escrevemos, por lhe muitas pessoas que andarão naquellas partes da India, darem grande esperança de se poderem descobrir. A qual ida Diogo Lopez logo ali deu a Christovão de Mendoça filho de Pero de Mendoça alcaide môr de Mourão: da viagem do qual a diante faremos menção". João de Barros, ''Decada III da Asia,'' Lisbon, 1563 (1628 edn.), lib.V, cap.iii, fol.92-93, ''Como Iorge de Brito com sua armada foi ter ao Reyno Achem, onde elle & outros capitães cõ muita gente forã mortos em hũa peleja,que teverão com o Rey da terra: e vindo seu irmão Antonio de Brito com os nauios a Pedir onde os achou, tomou posse da capitania delles, e do mais que elle e Iorge d’Alboquerque passarão tè chegarem a Malaca, & acontaceo aos outros capitães que ficerão em Pacem''. ()〕Barros promises to return to the topic of the voyage to the Isles of Gold, and subsequently does so, relating how Mendonça was diverted from the quest by the requirement to assist with the building and defence of a fort at Pedir in the territory of the Sumatran principality of Pacem (Pase). Mendonça and other Portuguese captains are described as assisting with the construction of a fort at Pedir (Sumatra), after which he proceeded to Malacca: And there came to the port of Pedir Raphael Catanho and Christovão de Mendoça with his three ships for the discovery of the Isles of Gold… Antonio de Brito was still commanding there… as the construction of the fortress had taken much time, and Raphael Catanho, Raphael Perstrello, and Christovão de Mendoça had to provision and take on pepper and other things for their voyages, and also as the monsoon season by which they each had to go, principally Christovão de Mendoça, had already passed, they were all ordered to stay there to assist and support the fortress, as it was not yet in a state where it could be defend itself… After putting the fort in a good state of defence, Christovão de Mendoça and Dinis Fernandez departed for Malacca.〔E sendo tanto avante como o porto de Pedir: acharão Raphael Catanho, & Christovão de Mendoça, com os tres navios do seu descobrimento paro as ilhas do Ouro… todavia Antonio de Brito ficou com a sua capitania… Porque como o acabamento do fortaleza avia mister muito tempo, & Raphael Catanho, Raphael Perstrello, & Christovão de Mendoça ali se avião de prover, & carregar de pimenta & de outras cousas pera fazerem suas viagems, & tambem o tempo não era de monção pero onde cadahum avia de ir, principalmente a Christovão de Mendoça, que era já passada: mandou a todos que ficassem ali em ajuda & favor daquella fortaleza, em quanto ella não estava em estado pera se poder defender… A qual despois que foi posta em estado que bem se podia defender: Christovão de Mendoça & Dinis Fernandez forãose pera Malaca. João de Barros, ''Decada III da Asia,'' Lisbon, 1563 (1628 edn.), lib.V, cap.iii, fol.123.〕 As there is no further mention by Barros of the quest by Cristóvão de Mendonça for the Ilhas do Ouro, it is not clear whether he ever carried out this commission, or whether Barros intended by relating how he was diverted to the defence of Pedir to explain why it was not carried out.〔McIntyre, K.G. (1977) ''The Secret Discovery of Australia, Portuguese ventures 200 years before Cook'', p.241-243 Souvenir Press, Menindie ISBN 0-285-62303-6〕〔João de Barros quoted in Trickett, P.(2007) p.79〕 Barros relates that prior to Mendonça being ordered to discover the Isles of Gold, they had already been sought by Diogo Pacheco, whose attempt came to grief on the coast of Sumatra: Diogo Pacheco came there a little before Manuel Pacheco from Malacca, and brought much information on the Isles of Gold that were generally known in India to be to the south of Sumatra. For the discovery of which Diogo Lopez ordered him to go, for he, Diogo Pacheco was most knowledgeable in matters of the sea and had great ability as a discoverer, besides being himself a gentleman… The weather was such that the sea swallowed the bargantine, and the ship came onto the coast ... this destruction of Diogo Pacheco, was the first of those of us who lost their lives for the discovery of this Isle of Gold.〔Diogo Pacheco… o qual avia pouco que com Manuel Pacheco viera de Malaca, & trouxera grandes informações das ilhas do ouro, de que avia géral fama na India estarem ao Sul de Çamatra. Sobre o qual descobrimento Diogo Lopez o mãdava, por elle Diogo Pacheco ser mui experto nas cousas do mar, & ter grande habilidade pera descobridor, alem de ser cavalleiro de sua pessoa. João de Barros, ''Decada III da Asia,'' Lisbon, 1563 (1628 edn.), lib.III, cap.iii, fol.60-62.〕 The belief in the Isles of Gold/Ilhas do Ouro derived from the legendary Suvarnadvipa and (Suvarnabhumi) mentioned in ancient Indian literature and incorporated into Graeco-Roman geography as the Islands of Gold and Silver (Chryse and Argyre) and the Golden Chersonese (Chersonesus Aurea).〔Pliny, ''Natural History'' vi, 23; Paul Wheatley, ''The Golden Khersonese,'' Kuala Lumpur, 1961, pp.131-6; Himansu Bhusan Sarkar, ''Trade and Commercial Activities of Southern India in the Malayo-Indonesian World, up to A.D. 1511,'' Calcutta, Firma KLM, 1986, p.11; R.K. Dube, “Southeast Asia as the Indian El-Dorado”, in Chattopadhyaya, D. P. and Project of History of Indian Science, Philosophy, and Culture (eds.), ''History of Science, Philosophy and Culture in Indian Civilization,'' New Delhi, Oxford University Press, 1999, Vol.1, Pt.3, C.G. Pande (ed.), ''India's Interaction with Southeast Asia,'' Chapter 6, pp.87-109.〕 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Cristóvão de Mendonça」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク